Life After Northern Pine High is a fictional blog that follows the lives of three best friends who are determined to ditch their high school status and find themselves while away at college. Little do they know, freshman year of college is going to be one that will change their lives forever.
Hi everyone, my name is Kylie. I was born and raised in Northern Pine, Minnesota. My mom, Amy, works at a local lumber yard as a Secretary, a job that she absolutely loves. My dad, Shane, a contractor, got her the job back in the day and she has never left. She never hesitates to discuss the importance of those small town value and the mom and pop shops that flourish in towns like ours. Just after getting married, my mom and dad, found out they were expecting twins. Born at 32 week, my brother, Kevin, and I entered the world. We were lucky to be surrounded by family, with all of our grandparents living within 5 miles of us. Northern Pine has treated our family well and will always be home.
My family has always been supportive of my brother and I, encouraging us to do what we think is best for us. They let us know that if we decided to stay home and find a job in Northern Pine, they would have a warm bed for us to stay in and meals in the oven until we made enough to venture out on our own. However, if we decided to go to college, they would be excited for us and would visit often. Kevin got himself a full ride scholarship to play football at a University in North Dakota. Whereas, I decided to head south, with my best friend, Sarah, to Iowa.
I look forward to sharing my college experiences with all of you and can’t wait to see what life has to offer in the coming years and months. Talk to you all soon!!
Hello! I’m Amber. I am 18 years old from Northern Pine, Minnesota. I grew up as an only child with two very strict parents, who are influential members in our community. My parents had me in their 40s, so to say they had been through many life experiences prior to my arrival, is an understatement. My father, Michael, is a retired Colonel in the active duty U.S. Army. He was recently elected Mayor of Northern Pine, a goal that he has had for many years. My mother, Julie, is the principal at Northern Pine High School.
So, where does that leave me? Well, I have never been too interested in going off to college. I have no idea what I want to do for life. I would be just as happy working continuing to work at the lake resort in town for the rest of my life. However, my parents had other plans for me. So, this fall I will be heading to my mother’s alma mater, a large university in Wisconsin. Had I stood up for myself, I probably would have pushed to go to school in Iowa with my lifelong best friends, Kylie and Sarah. But that has never been me. I have disappointed my parents a lot in the last couple years, being rebellious and trying to fit in, that I wasn’t about to test my luck. I have a full ride to college waiting for me and I will share my experiences, as I face them head on.
I am so excited to start this!! My name is Sarah, I was born in Montana, but moved to Northern Pine, when my parents made the decision to move back to my dad’s hometown. I was 14 years old when we moved here, but made friends with Kylie and Amber rather quickly upon starting at Northern Pine High School. My dad, Greg, is a Police Officer in town and my mom, Anne, works as a 911 Dispatcher in a neighboring county. Their commitment to serve our community has inspired me to get a degree in Law Enforcement, with the goal of working as a Crime Analyst in the future.
I have one sister, Bailey, she is two years younger than me and will be a junior at Northern Pine High School this fall. Bailey and I have always been close, even though we argue, as all siblings do. I also have one cat named Molly.
I feel ready for college and cannot hide my excitement. I will be attending school in Iowa, with my best friend, Kylie. Unfortunately, my other best friend, Amber, will be heading off to school 6 hours away from us, which is why we decided to create this blog, so we could always stay connected and follow along with each other’s adventures. Here is to a great year that I get to share with all of you! Love you all!