Amber Intro

All About Amber

Birthday: January 25th, 2006

Hometown: Northern Pine, Minnesota

Currently Residing: Northern Pine, Minnesota

Workplace: Northern Pine Lake Resort, Receptionist

Relationship Status: Single

Family Members: Mom (Julie), Dad (Michael)

Pets: 1 Golden Retriever (Boone)

High School: Northern Pine High School, Class of 2024

College Location: Wisconsin, Class of 2028

College Major: Undecided

College Roommate(s): TBD

Favorite Color: Pink

Best Friends: Kylie and Sarah

Other facts about me:

– I absolutely love my job at Northern Pine Lake Resort, it’s like working and playing mixed into one.
– I live in a very strict household, which has gotten me in trouble a time or two, I got used to sneaking out from time to time because that was the only way I was going to go out and have some fun. Typically, it was just to go over to Sarah or Kylie’s houses, but occasionally I could be found hanging around with my coworkers at the lake, oops.
– I love watching reality drama TV
– My dream is to run a resort, although my parents want me to find a job that they feel is “practical” and will set me up for success.

Amber’s Blog

Blog Posts in Order:

Thank you for following along with Amber’s story! For more, follow Kylie and Sarah’s blogs too.